Hi. I converted a large PubMed search to text then copied & pasted the
results into Word. The document ended up being 256 pages long, but only
because there are manual line breaks rather than text wrap, and the line
breaks are stopping each line at about 4 inches from the left margin.
I can SEE the line breaks by revealling the formatting but I can't get RID
of them except by manually deleting each one... I will die of old age, and I
bet I'll be glad to do so because I'll have carpal tunnel for sure after
results into Word. The document ended up being 256 pages long, but only
because there are manual line breaks rather than text wrap, and the line
breaks are stopping each line at about 4 inches from the left margin.
I can SEE the line breaks by revealling the formatting but I can't get RID
of them except by manually deleting each one... I will die of old age, and I
bet I'll be glad to do so because I'll have carpal tunnel for sure after
