How to get removable drive to show in directory browser?

  • Thread starter Richard Lewis Haggard
  • Start date

Richard Lewis Haggard

I have a laptop that has a device bay in which I always keep an extra drive
plugged in. From Windows XP's perspective, it appears that this is counted
as a removable device and XP treats the drive differently it does drive C.
When a directory browser (not to be confused with a file browser like
Explorer) dialog appears, this drive is not available in the list of things
that may be inspected. That means that those applications that use the
standard folder browser to select a folder (like WinAmp) are unable to make
use of anything on my drive D:. Is there anything that I can do to get the
system to recognize the presence of the expansion bay's drive D:?

Anando [MS-MVP]


Though it might be recognised as a 'removable drive', the drive still gets a drive letter and should
act normally as any internal drive would. I dont see why any program should have any problems
accessing data on this drive. Do any other programs (apart from Winamp) have any problems accessing
data from this drive ?


Microsoft MVP- Windows Shell/User

Folder customizations

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