How to fill Word document with Access data


Clif McIrvin

So can someone in here help me how to write the code ?
Please help.

This thread kind of got sidetracked off your original question, didn't

I don't believe you have given us enough information for anyone here
to give you any specific guidance. If you can answer these questions,
and provide us with specifics you have a much better chance of someone
getting you the answer you need.

Tom and Dale offered a couple suggestions to get you started, have you
investigated them? Specifically, have you looked at the Word
documentation for Mail Merge?

Do you have an existing Job Agreement Letter that is being filled out
manually? Is this letter created using a (Word document) template?

Peter Hibbs


Use Word Automation to copy data from your database into a Word
document. First create a Word document and enter control codes in the
document where you want data to be printed. For example, I have used
[FN] for first name, [LN] for last name, [TP] for telephone number and
so on. You need to use codes which are not normally likely to be in
the document.

Create a new Module and save it as modWordCode (or whatever you want).
Then copy and paste the following code into the module and save again.

Public Sub PrintLetter(vID As Long, vFilename As String)

'Print personalised letter using MS Word
'Entry (vID) holds unique ID of record to be printed
' (vFilename) holds pathname of document to be printed

'Ensure that these references are active-
'Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
'Microsoft Word xx.0 Object Library (xx = your version of Word)

Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim rst As Recordset

On Error GoTo ErrorCode

'Start MS Word and open specified document
Set objWord = New Word.Application
objWord.Documents.Add vFilename
objWord.ScreenUpdating = False

'Fetch data for specified record from table
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * " _
& "FROM tblMembers WHERE ID = " & vID)
ReplaceText objWord, "[FN]", Nz(rst!FirstName)
ReplaceText objWord, "[LN]", Nz(rst!LastName)
ReplaceText objWord, "[TP]", Nz(rst!Telephone)
ReplaceText objWord, "[FX]", Nz(rst!Fax)
'add other fields here, as reqd
Set rst = Nothing

objWord.ActiveDocument.Saved = True
objWord.ScreenUpdating = True

objWord.Visible = True
Set objWord = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description

End Sub
Public Sub ReplaceText(obj As Word.Application, vSource As String,
vDest As String)

'Replace all occurences of vSource with vDest in Word doc

obj.ActiveDocument.Content.Find.Execute FindText:=vSource, _
ReplaceWith:=vDest, Format:=True, _

End Sub

If you get any lines shown in red then edit the code so that it is all
on one line. Change the name of the table and fields to suit your own
requirements. Basically what happens is that the document is opened,
then a recordset is created with a list of the fields required and the
'control codes' in the document are replaced with the data from the

To print your Word document just call the routine from your form like
this :-

PrintLetter ID, "C:\Temp\Test Letter.doc"

where ID is a unique value which identifies the record in the table
from which you want to extract the record data, i.e. FirstName,
LastName, etc, etc. The second argument is the pathname to the Word
document, of course.


Peter Hibbs.


Hi Peter,

Thanks for your code. This is what I want to know. :)


Peter Hibbs said:

Use Word Automation to copy data from your database into a Word
document. First create a Word document and enter control codes in the
document where you want data to be printed. For example, I have used
[FN] for first name, [LN] for last name, [TP] for telephone number and
so on. You need to use codes which are not normally likely to be in
the document.

Create a new Module and save it as modWordCode (or whatever you want).
Then copy and paste the following code into the module and save again.

Public Sub PrintLetter(vID As Long, vFilename As String)

'Print personalised letter using MS Word
'Entry (vID) holds unique ID of record to be printed
' (vFilename) holds pathname of document to be printed

'Ensure that these references are active-
'Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
'Microsoft Word xx.0 Object Library (xx = your version of Word)

Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim rst As Recordset

On Error GoTo ErrorCode

'Start MS Word and open specified document
Set objWord = New Word.Application
objWord.Documents.Add vFilename
objWord.ScreenUpdating = False

'Fetch data for specified record from table
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * " _
& "FROM tblMembers WHERE ID = " & vID)
ReplaceText objWord, "[FN]", Nz(rst!FirstName)
ReplaceText objWord, "[LN]", Nz(rst!LastName)
ReplaceText objWord, "[TP]", Nz(rst!Telephone)
ReplaceText objWord, "[FX]", Nz(rst!Fax)
'add other fields here, as reqd
Set rst = Nothing

objWord.ActiveDocument.Saved = True
objWord.ScreenUpdating = True

objWord.Visible = True
Set objWord = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description

End Sub
Public Sub ReplaceText(obj As Word.Application, vSource As String,
vDest As String)

'Replace all occurences of vSource with vDest in Word doc

obj.ActiveDocument.Content.Find.Execute FindText:=vSource, _
ReplaceWith:=vDest, Format:=True, _

End Sub

If you get any lines shown in red then edit the code so that it is all
on one line. Change the name of the table and fields to suit your own
requirements. Basically what happens is that the document is opened,
then a recordset is created with a list of the fields required and the
'control codes' in the document are replaced with the data from the

To print your Word document just call the routine from your form like
this :-

PrintLetter ID, "C:\Temp\Test Letter.doc"

where ID is a unique value which identifies the record in the table
from which you want to extract the record data, i.e. FirstName,
LastName, etc, etc. The second argument is the pathname to the Word
document, of course.


Peter Hibbs.

So can someone in here help me how to write the code ?
Please help.


sorry for cross posting... I thought it better fitted the "formscoding"
forum, but is related to this original thread.
After debating how to get my final report output, it looks like using Word
Automation is the best way.
On the advice of a previous post (thanks to Peter Hibbs) , I created the
module shown below. I ensured the references for Microsoft Word xx.0 (I am
runnung MS Word 9.0) and DAO 3.6 Object library are checked in the "Tools" /
"References" menu.

However when I run the module, I get the error:
"Compile error sub or function not defined"
with the Debug highlighting

could anyone advise what I am doing wrong?


Public Sub PrintappmntLetter(vID As Long, vFilename As String)

'Print personalised letter using MS Word
'Entry (vID) holds unique ID of record to be printed
' (vFilename) holds pathname of document to be printed

'Ensure that these references are active-
'Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
'Microsoft Word xx.0 Object Library (xx = your version of Word)

Dim objWord As Word.Application

Dim rst As Recordset

On Error GoTo ErrorCode

'Start MS Word and open specified document
Set objWord = New Word.Application
objWord.Documents.Add vFilename
objWord.ScreenUpdating = False

'Fetch data for specified record from table
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * " _
& "FROM tblMembers WHERE ID = " & vID)

ReplaceText objWord, "[ctitle]", Nz(rst!Title)
ReplaceText objWord, "[FName]", Nz(rst!firstname)
ReplaceText objWord, "[LName]", Nz(rst!surname)
ReplaceText objWord, "[CDOB]", Nz(rst!clDOB)
ReplaceText objWord, "[DateAcc]", Nz(rst!AccDate)

ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertDet]", Nz(rst!Expert)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertQuals]", Nz(rst!expquals)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertAdd1]", Nz(rst!SurgeryAddr1)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertAdd2]", Nz(rst!SurgeryAddr2)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertAdd3]", Nz(rst!SurgeryAddr3)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertAddPC]", Nz(rst!SurgeryPostCode)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ExpertPhone]", Nz(rst!ExpPhone)

ReplaceText objWord, "[ClaimAdd1]", Nz(rst!ClaimAddr1)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ClaimAdd2]", Nz(rst!ClaimAddr2)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ClaimAdd3]", Nz(rst!ClaimAddr3)
ReplaceText objWord, "[ClaimAddPC]", Nz(rst!ClaimPostCode)

'add other fields here, as reqd
Set rst = Nothing

objWord.ActiveDocument.Saved = True
objWord.ScreenUpdating = True

objWord.Visible = True
Set objWord = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description

End Sub
Public Sub ReplaceText(obj As Word.Application, vSource As String,
vDest As String)

'Replace all occurences of vSource with vDest in Word doc

obj.ActiveDocument.Content.Find.Execute FindText:=vSource, _
ReplaceWith:=vDest, Format:=True, _

End Sub

Peter Hibbs said:

Use Word Automation to copy data from your database into a Word
document. First create a Word document and enter control codes in the
document where you want data to be printed. For example, I have used
[FN] for first name, [LN] for last name, [TP] for telephone number and
so on. You need to use codes which are not normally likely to be in
the document.

Create a new Module and save it as modWordCode (or whatever you want).
Then copy and paste the following code into the module and save again.

Public Sub PrintLetter(vID As Long, vFilename As String)

'Print personalised letter using MS Word
'Entry (vID) holds unique ID of record to be printed
' (vFilename) holds pathname of document to be printed

'Ensure that these references are active-
'Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
'Microsoft Word xx.0 Object Library (xx = your version of Word)

Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim rst As Recordset

On Error GoTo ErrorCode

'Start MS Word and open specified document
Set objWord = New Word.Application
objWord.Documents.Add vFilename
objWord.ScreenUpdating = False

'Fetch data for specified record from table
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * " _
& "FROM tblMembers WHERE ID = " & vID)
ReplaceText objWord, "[FN]", Nz(rst!FirstName)
ReplaceText objWord, "[LN]", Nz(rst!LastName)
ReplaceText objWord, "[TP]", Nz(rst!Telephone)
ReplaceText objWord, "[FX]", Nz(rst!Fax)
'add other fields here, as reqd
Set rst = Nothing

objWord.ActiveDocument.Saved = True
objWord.ScreenUpdating = True

objWord.Visible = True
Set objWord = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description

End Sub
Public Sub ReplaceText(obj As Word.Application, vSource As String,
vDest As String)

'Replace all occurences of vSource with vDest in Word doc

obj.ActiveDocument.Content.Find.Execute FindText:=vSource, _
ReplaceWith:=vDest, Format:=True, _

End Sub

If you get any lines shown in red then edit the code so that it is all
on one line. Change the name of the table and fields to suit your own
requirements. Basically what happens is that the document is opened,
then a recordset is created with a list of the fields required and the
'control codes' in the document are replaced with the data from the

To print your Word document just call the routine from your form like
this :-

PrintLetter ID, "C:\Temp\Test Letter.doc"

where ID is a unique value which identifies the record in the table
from which you want to extract the record data, i.e. FirstName,
LastName, etc, etc. The second argument is the pathname to the Word
document, of course.


Peter Hibbs.

So can someone in here help me how to write the code ?
Please help.

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