How to download bunch of JPGs



Given a text file of URLs pointing to images (all the URLs end in .JPG), is
there an easy way to download the list. Oh, the list may contain several
thousand entries.

Or do I need someone well versed in intertubes and computers and other


Pegasus [MVP]

HeyBub said:
Given a text file of URLs pointing to images (all the URLs end in .JPG),
is there an easy way to download the list. Oh, the list may contain
several thousand entries.

Or do I need someone well versed in intertubes and computers and other


There probably is a way. Can you give an actual sample or two? Send it to
pegasus_fnlATyahooDOTcom if you prefer not to publish it here.


This looks pretty close to what's required.

Thanks ever so much.

Here's a batch file that seems to work. Call it "FileDL.cmd" or
whatever you like. Adjust path to Wget. "FileList.txt" is a list of
your URLs, one per line.

===cut here========

set WgetPath="C:\program files\Wget\bin\wget.exe"
for /F %i in (FileList.txt) do %WgetPath% %i

===cut here========


Nil said:
Here's a batch file that seems to work. Call it "FileDL.cmd" or
whatever you like. Adjust path to Wget. "FileList.txt" is a list of
your URLs, one per line.

===cut here========

set WgetPath="C:\program files\Wget\bin\wget.exe"
for /F %i in (FileList.txt) do %WgetPath% %i

===cut here========

Okay, but Wget seems to have an option to accept a file of URLs. I'm on the
verge of trying out the process in a production environment. Thanks for an
alternative in case the file input doesn't fly.


Okay, but Wget seems to have an option to accept a file of URLs.
I'm on the verge of trying out the process in a production
environment. Thanks for an alternative in case the file input
doesn't fly.

I didn't realize that WGET could do that. I just tried it -
"wget -i FileList.txt" - and it works perfectly. That's definitely the
way to go!

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