How to add "my videos" in start menu alongside my documents?



I would like to know is there any tweaks or programs that would allow me to
add "my videos" folder to the right hand side of the start menu, alongside my
documents, my music and my photos?


Click on 'start'
Right click for Properties
Click 'Advanced'
Select...Display My Videos


I clicked on properties, and the was this window "customizing start menu" I
then click customiz, and then "advanced" there was options for my music and
my documents etc, but no my videos


I'm sorry...I stand corrected. I didn't scroll all the way down. Plus I think
in the back of my small brain I was thinking of what I had in 'My Documents'.
Again, sorry.

Keith Miller

Is that an SP2 thing? Or mediacenter edition?
It's not an option on mine.


Uncle John


Try this

Click on 'start'
Right click for Properties
Click Customize
Click 'Advanced'
Select...Display My Documents as a Menu
Click OK
When you click start, then My Documents, you will see all the folders in My
documents and so you can go immediately to My Videos.
To make My Videos come up immediately you need to tweak the registry. It
would be simpler to make a shortcut on the desk top and then drag it to the
auto launch bar so you can open it immediately
Uncle John
Is that an SP2 thing? Or mediacenter edition?
It's not an option on mine.


Keith Miller

I know all that John.

I'm partial to adding cascading toolbars for frequently accessed folders myself.

But DAN6996 was saying there is an option under:

'Start Menu Properties' -> 'Customize' -> 'Advanced'

to add 'My Videos' with the other user folders on the Start menu.

I don't have that option, and, being a curious fellow, I was asking if it existed on any other systems.

I see now he seems to state in a follow-up that he was mistaken.

Thanks for trying to help,

Uncle John


I see.
You are right, there is no such option in the OS.
However there are several tweaking programs that will do it.

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