How do you turn OFF Windows Messenger?



Running WinXP Pro. Found a tweak when I first started
using this OS that allowed me to get rid of it. Then I
installed SP2! I have gone to Add/Remove programs
and it was NOT listed there. I went to msconfig/startup
and removed the check mark. I went to msconfig/services
and it was NOT listed there either. I went to Control
Panel/Administrative Tools/Services and selected
Messenger. I went to properties and selected "disable".
None of these actions worked! So then I went to the
Advanced Settings in the firewall and first disabled the
Messenger in the "Exceptions" section, and when that
didn't work, went back and completely DELETED it.
I use Start Up Moniter and it flashes a warning on my
screen every 1-2 minutes telling me that Messenger
is trying to register itself to run on start up. How you get
rid of this darn thing?!

Paul E

There is a newsgroup microsoft.public.windowsxp.messenger where that
question is answered daily in depth so you will easily find your answer
there if someone more knowledgeable than I does not post it here when you
check back next.


Ellen said:
Running WinXP Pro. Found a tweak when I first started
using this OS that allowed me to get rid of it. Then I
installed SP2! I have gone to Add/Remove programs
and it was NOT listed there. I went to msconfig/startup
and removed the check mark. I went to msconfig/services
and it was NOT listed there either. I went to Control
Panel/Administrative Tools/Services and selected
Messenger. I went to properties and selected "disable".
None of these actions worked! So then I went to the
Advanced Settings in the firewall and first disabled the
Messenger in the "Exceptions" section, and when that
didn't work, went back and completely DELETED it.
I use Start Up Moniter and it flashes a warning on my
screen every 1-2 minutes telling me that Messenger
is trying to register itself to run on start up. How you get
rid of this darn thing?!

Go here:
Look for 'Prevent Windows Messenger from automatically starting' in
the right hand column, and follow it for the solution.


Hi Ellen,

I'm no expert, but the way I stop Messenger is open it's little playing card
like window (Click on the Systray Icon or find it in your Start - All
Programs menue and click on it there).

When you have its little window open then first thing to do is make sure you
are signed out. Then pick Tools - Options - Preferences, and then uncheck the
box for "Run Windows Messenger when Windows Starts". As far as I can make out
that stops all the Messenger bits you usually see from firing up when XP
starts. Not sure about the others, try unchecking all the "alert" type ones
if you find you need to.

But I think don't try to uninstall it from your machine. I tried doing that
and a warning window came up on my screen saying other programs (I think the
email stuff) use bits of Messenger in what they do.


Minor change incorporated below to make it easier to find the link:

Go here: Click on Win XP Tips.
Look for 'Prevent Windows Messenger from automatically starting' in
the right hand column, and follow it for the solution.


better uninstalling it

Start---->run----> RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection


kernel said:
Go here:
Look for 'Prevent Windows Messenger from automatically starting' in
the right hand column, and follow it for the solution.
God Bless You, Kernel! Went to the site you listed....found WinXP
Fixes in the left hand menu section. Clicked on it and found "Windows
Messenger - Disable/Remove" in the right hand menu, clicked on that,
and miracle of miracles!!!! A very simple download at the bottom of
that page that read: "Download Messenger Disable Here". One click
to download, one click to execute, and then sat there for one minute
waiting for Start Up Monitor to tell me Messenger was trying to register
itself to run on start up......NO WARNING! Without exhaling yet, I
went to misconfig and took a peek - messenger/msmgs was NOT
selected! Then being more daring, I logged off, restarted computer
and held my breath - again no monitor warning!!! Very excited, I
checked msconfig/startup one more time - darn thing is GONE!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.......(I
hope you get the message - lol!!!!!) Thanks again for your help!!!!

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