How do you permanently attach animated graphic to email signature?



I know how to insert a graphic for a new email, but I want it to be
permanent. When I add it in signature, I can't get it to be animated to

Roady [MVP]

Animation support depends on the receiving client. Outlook 2007 for instance
doesn't support animation but you can still send animated gifs in emails.


We are using Outlook 2003 both ways. It is set to compose in HTML with Word
as the editor. Is there an issue with 2003 & animation?


I understand that part, but recipients with Outlook 2003 and other are not
seeing the animation either.

Roady [MVP]

When you open the gif-file in Internet Explorer on the sender's side; does
it animate?


Yes it does & thank you for continuing to help me with this. I can't get
what the problem is.


This is interesting, I was just going online to ask the same question and I
have 2003 as well. I set my type of email to HTML and 2003 Word as my editor
and I have an animated .gif that doesn't want to move around.


This has nothing to do with security. MS got lazy and wanted one rendering
engine. Make it easy on the developers and never mind the customer that paid
hundreds of dollars for a program they can't use. I do non profit work in my
off-time and have an animated .gif in my logo. I guess I'm supposed to stick
a message in the logo to open the .gif in IE so they can see the animation.
What a joke. If you were thinking of buying office 2007, don't waste your
money - you lose more functionality than you gain. File/Save as is gone as
well as save attachments. They've gone back five years.... I sent MS and
email to find out is they're going to patch this and of course, they didn't
answer my question and gave me a bunch of links for support to resolve the
issue. There is no resolution unless MS pushes a fix to the program. BTW-.gif
files don't work in Word, either.

Brian Tillman

vicki said:
This has nothing to do with security. MS got lazy and wanted one
rendering engine. Make it easy on the developers and never mind the
customer that paid hundreds of dollars for a program they can't use.
I do non profit work in my off-time and have an animated .gif in my

Can you point to a single dollar that you received in donation that you can
directly attribute to the little cartoon you have in the signature file? I
thought not.


Brian, that has nothing to do with my post. Not that it’s any of your
business but I’m not using smilies or cartoons. I do know that people read
them more often when you customize to the particular fund raiser – i.e. if
it’s customized to something for children or adults and animation can make
them more interesting. The .gif is used to highlight urgent needs vs. updates
or news items. Yes, I can use pictures but if I’m fund raising for
therapeutic horses for children, a walking horse speaks louder than a picture
of a horse. It doesn’t matter why I want to use them. The fact is that I
spent almost $400 for new software that has less functionality. All I want to
know is if there is a workaround and when Microsoft is planning to push a
patch. This is not an isolated complaint. A quick google search will give you
hundreds and hundreds of users that are not happy campers with the loss of
this functionality. Even the animation in Microsoft’s Clip Art doesn’t work.
It’s animated until you paste it into eMail or Word and I’m not about to send
out something until I can see the finished product.

Brian Tillman

vicki said:
The fact is that I spent almost $400
for new software that has less functionality.

Then you should have done some research before spending the money. An hour
in these newsgroups woulld have shown you that animation was dropped in
Outlook 2007.
All I want to know is
if there is a workaround and when Microsoft is planning to push a

There is not and there aren't any plans (of which I'm aware) to change that.

Still looking for an answer


Brian Tillman said:
Then you should have done some research before spending the money. An hour
in these newsgroups woulld have shown you that animation was dropped in
Outlook 2007.

There is not and there aren't any plans (of which I'm aware) to change that.


Roady said:
Animation support depends on the receiving client. Outlook 2007 for instance
doesn't support animation but you can still send animated gifs in emails.

It seems to me that it wasn't broke and Outlook 2007 fixed it. Can anything
be done to get back the old functionality?

Regards... Jerry

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