how do I save a ppt/pps 2 shows automatically from email?



I want to send a powerpoint presentation to a friend via email. How do I get
it to open in slide show automatically when he recieves it?


Himedas said:
I want to send a powerpoint presentation to a friend via email. How do I
it to open in slide show automatically when he recieves it?

Don't. Your friend MUST save the file and scan it with his AV program before
opening. Most computer viruses are transmitted by people opening attachments
from people they know....

David M. Marcovitz

I want to send a powerpoint presentation to a friend via email. How do
I get it to open in slide show automatically when he recieves it?

You want to save it as a PowerPoint Show (*.pps) file. You can either
change the three letter extension from .ppt to .pps (if your computer is
set to see the extenstion for known file types), or you can open it in
PowerPoint and choose Save As from the File menu. In the list of save as
types, scroll down until you see PowerPoint Show (*.pps) and choose that.


David M. Marcovitz
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
Director of Graduate Programs in Educational Technology
Loyola College in Maryland
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_

Steve Rindsberg

And would YOU want to receive an email where something (doesn't matter what
it is) opens AUTOMATICALLY?

The FAQ Shawn mentions above mostly discourages people for just the reasons
you've mentioned (and others). And points out that their chances of actually
having it work are, nowadays, so small as to be negligible.

Give it a read ...

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