How Do I Reinstate The Original Tool Bar?



I inadvertently deleted the tool bar in my database and
now cannot edit the forms, etc. According the help files,
to bring the tool bar back to it's original state you
need to click on the View menu, point to Toolbars, click
Customize, etc. The problem is that I've deleted the View
menu. :(

If anyone has a solution for reinstating the original
tool bar in my database I will be internally grateful.


Wayne Morgan

I understand you've removed the View menu, but is the menu bar itself or one
of the other built in toolbars visible? If so, right click it and choose
Customize... Next, go to the Toolbars tab, highlight the Menu Bar, and click
Reset... If you place a check next to Menu Bar, it will make the menu bar
visible also. You can do this for any of the built in toolbars.

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