How do I print from slide master view



Here is the dilemma.
I opened view...Master...slide master
Now I'd like to print this master, however print preview does not show the
actual slide text. What have we done wrong? Can this be fixed without redoing
the entire slide presentation???

Any suggestions appreciated.


The Slide master is for creating the layout of the slides in a presentation,
not for the viewing and printing of the actual presentation. If you entered
text to the slide master in the different textboxes that are part of the
Slide master, they will not print.

To get this text on a pritablle slide, you will need to copy the text, one
section at a time, then switch to Normal view and paste the text into the
appropriate area of the normal slide.

I can't think of any other way that you could put together an entire
presentation (more than one slide) on the Slide master without overwriting
the Slide master each time. If you did this, only your last edited Slide
master will have been saved.

Steve Rindsberg

Here is the dilemma.
I opened view...Master...slide master
Now I'd like to print this master, however print preview does not show the
actual slide text. What have we done wrong? Can this be fixed without redoing
the entire slide presentation???

Print Preview shows you what will be printed.
PowerPoint only prints slides, not masters, so it's reasonable that Print
Preview doesn't show the Master content.

If you want a record of what's on the master, press Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C while
viewing it, then switch back to normal view, add a new blank slide and press
Ctrl+V to paste the copied master content onto the slide. That will print.

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