How do I prevent my graphic signature from becoming an attachment?



How do I prevent my graphic signature from becoming an attachment?

I have a wonderful signature with graphics and text, however, when I send it
out, people get the the signature fine, but also get the graphic that is in
my signature attached to their e-mail.

How do I prevent this??

Brian Tillman

VioletMesses said:
How do I prevent my graphic signature from becoming an attachment?

See if these help:
I have a wonderful signature with graphics and text, however, when I
send it out, people get the the signature fine, but also get the
graphic that is in my signature attached to their e-mail.

There's no guarantee your recipient will receive your signature even if you
include it. It adds no information to your message, either, and isn't the
conveyance of information the whole idea behind email?



Thank-you for your help. Hosting an image is a better way to create a
graphic signature than inserting a graphic from a file saved on my computer.
Thus far, it is preventing images from sending themselves in attachment form.

You are absolutely correct; conveyance of information is the whole idea
behind email. My signature is composed of my company logo, with plain text
beside it. If a client cannot read the logo, it will be fine, as they will
still be able to view my contact information.

Thank-you again for your help!


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