How do I prevent Frontpage from changing (and breaking) my relati.



Thomas: I think you're on the track to my solution.

Previously, I had
and at the next level the main *.html files and appendix folders with other
files and subfolders.

I've been learning the hard way on this one. I set up the structure from
progfolder on down as regular folders, then imported them into the web.
After that I have been making my changes from within FP.

Now I have set up a new web at C:, and the structure is
c:/progfolder/planfolder/ and then the content as above.


oops, tried to cut & paste & accidentally entered post... so to continue that
last reply:

I'm afraid that I may be doing just what you said - opening the file. But
when I open FP, >> File, open, and browse to the web folders, the box asks
for a FILE to open, so I have been giving it a FILE. I thought that once I
had a file open in FP that the web was open??? The reports can be run for the
web when any file is open..right?


Well, I just looked at the FP FILE drop-down menu. The OPEN SITE option
was hidden!! I have never seen that option, and thought THE WHOLE TIME that
I was opening my site by opening a file. I am both ashamed of myself, and
angry at MS for making the drop-downs 'intuitive'. I have often wished for
a way to turn off that feature, so the whole drop-down will show every time
in the same exact order. I'd appreciate hearing how to do that.

Wes indicated that all files must be INSIDE the web. What about external
Can't I maintain them in a CD-based web so that occasionally the user can go
to the www?

So, I'll try to fix things WITH THE WEB OPEN...and hopefully report back

THANKS ya'll for your input. Thomas - it's hard to hear that I've been
doing something so stupid, but better now than later.


Thomas A. Rowe

IMO: I think MS should only show the Open | File menu option after a web / site is open.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


" I have often wished for
a way to turn off that feature, so the whole drop-down will show every time
in the same exact order. I'd appreciate hearing how to do that."

Right-Click on a tool-bar, choose Customize.
Options Tag, tick "Always show full menus"

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