How do I prevent email sent to one account actually being deliver.



I manage email accounts at my work. Being new to this responsibility I don't
seem to be able to have all "the answers". Soooo. I have several email
accounts that are crossing from one account to another, unrelated account.
For instance, let's say Jane sent an email to Spot and Dick. However, it was
sent to Santa Claus instead. Why is this happening and how can I prevent it?

Thanks for all your assistance!!


Lorrie_the_leo said:
I manage email accounts at my work. Being new to this responsibility
I don't seem to be able to have all "the answers". Soooo. I have
several email accounts that are crossing from one account to another,
unrelated account. For instance, let's say Jane sent an email to Spot
and Dick. However, it was sent to Santa Claus instead. Why is this
happening and how can I prevent it?

Thanks for all your assistance!!

Depends on the mail server you are using. Could be Sendmail. Could be
Exchange. Could be some SMTP mail program. We don't know because you
didn't tell us. This newsgroup is for Outlook. That is an e-mail
*client*, not a mail server, so your question should be posted to
newsgroups related to whatever mail server you are using.

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

This isn't necessarily a server issue - the client could be messing up as
well. We do need to know which version of Outlook you have, what sort of
accounts, what sort of server, etc., though.


We have version 6 of Outlook Express. My mail server is POP3, the accounts
are all inter-company email accounts set up through a "C Panel" with my ISP
being I don't know what other information you require to
assist me. But thank you!

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

For Outlook Express 6, you should try
news:// -
this newsgroup is for Outlook, which comes with Microsoft Office.

That said, you might ask to make sure they have the latest
release of CPanel. While I don't recall the details, I do recall
communicating with CPanel sometime back about a bug in one of their

Jeff Stephenson
Outlook Development
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights


I have been in contact with They tell me that the issue is
not at their end. I neglected to inform you that my outgoing mail server is
SMTP. (I believe that's the correct acronym.) Is there any other possible
issues that may cause email accounts to cross, possibly in the set up of
multiple accounts on the individual computers? Resolving this would be a
wonderful thing. Thanks for all your help.

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

Excuse my cynicism, but that's pretty much what I would expect support at an
ISP to say - the reality is that support people at an ISP know nothing about
their mail server. How often does this happen? Can you reproduce it

Jeff Stephenson
Outlook Development
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights


I have copies of some of these "crossings" in my work inbox I can forward to
you or whatever. How do I attach them here? or post copies?

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

Copies of the messages are not that interesting. You might try posting this
to the Outlook Express newsgroup since this group is for Microsoft Office's
Outlook program, which is completely different. Try

Jeff Stephenson
Outlook Development
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

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