how do I make an XP boot cd


Lyle Walsh

boy is the knowledge base pea soup on this one!! I donno maybe its on
purpose? I want to run memtest86 or microscoft ramtest. Both have an ISO
ready to go but it needs to be into a bootable CD - how does one make a
bootable cd to execute pre windows programs????

Jim Cladingboel

CD Burner XP Pro will make bootable CDs. Freeware, check on Google.
Haven't needed to use it myself, but the option is there. HTH



I have used ISO Recorder and I know it works well to make a CD of an ISO
image file, another one that I use is Deepburner, also free. But, based on
the subject of your post, and perhaps I'm not understanding correctly, you
may be in need of a Windows boot cd - what is sometimes called a
preinstallation cd. This boots Windows completely from the cd without
accessing the hard drive at all. If so, check out Bart PE on Google. I've
used it from time to time to diagnose various hardware issues - it works well
but you must read and follow all the instructions.


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