How do I go to the next cell that meets criteria



Using Excel, I want to test data in a column to see if each individual entry
in the column meets a criterion (say, equals 3). If it does, I then want to
perform certain tasks, using that and otehr relevant data, and enter the
results in other cells elsewhere on the sheet or workbook, then go back and
test the enst item in the original column of data. If any data item does not
meet theinitial criterion, I want to move to the next item in the column,
test it and, if it passes, perform the results and store the reults in the
next available position of my results section.

Any suggestions as to how to go about this in Excel (version Office Xp)?

Many thanks to all in advance.


Thanks Ardus

Trouble is, I am not at all experienced with VBA or macros - in fact, I have
never written a macro yet. So it's just as difficult that way to me!
Any clues as to how to do the macro - or at least, how to start it off?

Thanks again

Ardus Petus

Start macro recorder (Tools>Macro>New macro),
do your stuff
Stop recording (click in stop in floating toolbar)
Have a look at what was recorded (Alt+F8)


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