How do I get Netmeeting back???



I mistakenly uninstalled NetMeeting and now I can't find the download to
reinstall it. When I install the verison I download it tells me it own't work
with this verison of Windows...


bkroczak said:
I mistakenly uninstalled NetMeeting and now I can't find the download to
reinstall it. When I install the verison I download it tells me it own't work
with this verison of Windows...

How exactly did you uninstall NetMeeting? In Windows XP, it's not a Windows
component that can be installed or uninstalled.

NetMeeting can be launched by going to Start -> Run, entering conf.exe in the
Open box, and clicking OK. If you deleted conf.exe, check your Recycle bin. It's
usually stored in this folder,

C:\Program Files\NetMeeting

You may find a backup copy here,


Good luck



I"m trying to remember what I did. I thought it was available in the list of
programs to uninstall. At least that's how I thought I did it. I was
assuming I'd be able to download a clean version.

When I try to run conf.exe or conf, Wndows can't find these files.

If I go to the NetMeeating folder and double click on conf.exe the initial
window flashes up and then disappears.

I don't have a C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache folder.


See if the information in this article helps.

Courtesy of Ramesh Srinivasan, MS-MVP
How to reinstall Netmeeting in Windows XP

If that doesn't fix the problem, you might want to search your hard drive for
conf.exe. Make sure you've configured search to include system folders, hidden
folders, and subfolders under More advanced options. If you find a copy in a
location other than the Program Files\NetMeeting folder, see if it works. If it
does, copy it to the NetMeeting folder to replace the one that doesn't work.

If that still doesn't solve the problem, check the version number of conf.exe in
the NetMeeting folder. You can do this by right clicking the file, selecting
Properties from the menu, and clicking on the Version tab. Post back and let me
know what version you have. Also, include information on what version of Windows
XP is installed on your computer including the service pack level.


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