how do I edit text that has been marked up with ink?



Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:40 pm Post subject: AFTER MS Word inking/markup


What is the use of using MS Word inking to markup a document only to find
that when you start to actually edit the document, the text and the markup
don't stay together? As soon as you begin to change the text, you soon
realize that the markup is really just a graphic overlay that has no reall
connection with the text. For editing to work properly with a marked up
document, the markup must stay "attached" to the words that are marked up!
Otherwise, what use is it? Am I supposed to accept that once a document is
marked up, it should be printed out in order to compare to the original for
further editing? Am I missing something here? I just dropped a couple grand
on a wonderful HP/Compaq tc4200, but it's basically uselss for editing marked
up text in say a chapter of a book. I've tried using PDF files as well, but
no luck. PDF Annotator is neat, but doesn't solve the problem. PenOffice is
slick too, but no solution. Help! I'm about to return this tablet pc and go
back to pen and paper!

Shauna Kelly

Hi Frustrated

I've got an HP Tablet, too, and my experience is somewhat different.

If my document contains text, and I use the tools on the Ink Annotations
toolbar to mark up the document, then the mark up stays "attached" to the
relevant text. That is, if I add text above the marked up text, the marked
up text (along with its ink annotation) moves down the screen.

However, I observe that the Help file (in the help article "Mark up a
document with ink annotations") says "changing the layout of the document --
for example, by adding or removing content, changing margins or font size,
or making other changes that change the layout of the document -- may
destroy the alignment between annotations and content".

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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