How do I edit a record in database



in EXCEL 2000
I have a large database with customer names, address, phone no.,
and so on, 8 columns total. In a userform the customer name is chosen
from a combobox and entered, the balance of the customer information is
then pulled out of the database using "VLOOKUP" and applied to the
worksheet. I now need to change some of the data for some of the
customers but the user easily gets lost looking through the database. I
would like to create another userform that would allow the user to find
the customer and edit the phone no. or address or contact name. And
then the updated info would be changed in the database. I am not sure
how to replace the old data with the new data w/ code. I also used The
dataform but it will not give me the results desired, I really need to
do this with vba I think.

I would really appreciate some help on this......

Best Of Luck,



Thanks Dave for the response it is really good, but still I do not want
to you use the Dataform. The user form is what I am looking for.


the user form on Debra Dalgleish site is used just to add the records
which I have already done. I want to edit the database using the
userform and not the dataform.


Dave Peterson

Debra's site is an introduction to userforms--it's not a full blown application.

On the other hand, John Walkenbach's version may be all you need.

Did you look at that site?


Yes, I did and infact I purchased the latest version of Dataform which
is very helpful. But still there is a problem that now I need to get
the same setup in all the systems so that the other users can also edit
the records. I would still prefer the user form if you can help me out
with this.

Dave Peterson

I think that if you create a workbook with that code in it (maybe an addin that
is separate it from the data), that you can distribute it to your co-workers.

I just looked and saw this:

It can be freely distributed and used without a license.
on this page:

So once you have it running on your pc, you can distribute that same workbook to

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