How do I change the author of a spreadsheet in Excel 2007?



I want to change the author of an Excel spreadsheet from my home computer
user name to my company computer user name. Thanks for your response.


generally it's helpful to state your version of excel especially since 2007
came out
file>properties>author box
office button>prepare>properties>author box



we must be in different sites. in the one i'm in, the subject was truncated.


Rick Rothstein

I, like apparently Ragdyer, see the Subject line as this...

How do I change the author of a spreadsheet in Excel 2007?


sorry again. but what i see in microsoft communities is
how do i change the author of a spreadshee.......

i appologize to all.


David Biddulph

No apology necessary, but yet another reason for using the newsgroup
directly, and not using Microsoft's web interface to the group.

Rick Rothstein

I wonder why the web interface imposes a limit on the number of characters
(I guess that it what the limitation is) it displays in the Subject line...
it is not like I would think there would be a requirement for that or

Rick Rothstein

I'm not a web designer (obviously from my last comments), but could they
have used a TextBox control (or some other device) which would allow you to
display a portion of the text in it and, if you wanted to see the rest,
click into it and arrow into the portion of text that didn't fit in
displayed width?

Bob I

Just had to make me open the darn web page to look, didn't ya. What I
can see is the view is what is "truncated", I don't know where the
cutoff is , 255 chars or what for the field. But if one "drags" the pane
size wider, you will see more of the subject, constrained by the width
of the pane that you can configure in your browser window. Now I'm
heading back to my newsgroup reader, bah!

Rick Rothstein

And you just had to make me open the darn web page to look, didn't ya?<g>

First thing I noticed is that, unless I went to the wrong place, this
newsgroup didn't even exist in the web interface. Okay, putting that aside,
I see what you mean about the field being dependent on the width of the
pane; however, it would seem that there is some kind of limit on the number
of characters (less than 255 for sure) when the message gets posted... or
else why would the subject line appear truncated in our newsgroup readers?
Well, whatever, obviously we are not going to solve the problem... we'll
just have to put up with it until everyone learns the benefit of using
*real* newsgroup readers.<g>

Now I'm heading back to my newsgroup reader as well!

Bob I

Rick said:
And you just had to make me open the darn web page to look, didn't ya?<g>

First thing I noticed is that, unless I went to the wrong place, this
newsgroup didn't even exist in the web interface. Okay, putting that
aside, I see what you mean about the field being dependent on the width
of the pane; however, it would seem that there is some kind of limit on
the number of characters (less than 255 for sure) when the message gets
posted... or else why would the subject line appear truncated in our
newsgroup readers? Well, whatever, obviously we are not going to solve
the problem... we'll just have to put up with it until everyone learns
the benefit of using *real* newsgroup readers.<g>

Now I'm heading back to my newsgroup reader as well!

The link. ;-)

Rick Rothstein

Okay, that is why I missed it... the name is different. The web page calls
it "Excel General Questions" and my newsgroup reader calls it "excel.misc"

Bob I

Rick said:
Okay, that is why I missed it... the name is different. The web page
calls it "Excel General Questions" and my newsgroup reader calls it

Oh, I just used Microsoft "search" for "Excel Discussions" and popped
the link that had excel.misc in it open, then scrolled to look at the
subject for this thread.

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