How can I write a VBA code to count # of "CheckBoxs" that have been checked.



Hi to all,
I need help on how I can write a VBA code to count #
of "CheckBoxs" that have been checked.

I am hoping to have it as access data page. I would like
it to be a form on our "Intranet" and the checkboxes
representing "How many patrons asked quiestions (this is a
Library) that referred to Dept1, and how many were for
Dept2 and so on.
So the checked boxes will be counted as 1 when
they "checked", and I will have a box that will keep the
count of all the checked boxes for each Dept. I have about
8 or 9 Dept. I do not need to keep track of the
checkboxes, just the "sum" for each Dept. This is going to
be daily thing (7 days a week) and I need to give a day of
the week month and year.

Thank you,



I'm not sure I'm understanding this correctly so forgive me if I'm completely
wrong in saying this but the answer to the question 'How many people asked
questions relating to Dept 1' can't be Yes or No it must be a number and
hence I can't see where the tickbox will be used

Could you explain exactly how you your data will be collected and from whom
so I can get a better understanding and hopefully point you in the right


Andy W

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