How can I turn off the message "text copying disabled" in Word?



I've been using Microsoft Word all day. I left the computer for a few hours
and when I came back to use Word to "cut and paste", I get the following

Text copying disabled

How can I enable it so I can cut and paste?

John Hanley

Try entering your phrase: "Text copying disabled" into Google, you will get
many returns.


Hmm... not very helpful. Perhaps you can link us to some of your results, as
I came up with virtually nothing. A lot of questions, but no solutions.


Again... that's a fine search (identical to my search, and how I found this
post, actually), but find me an actual solution in those results. That's my
gripe with this particular "solution" - it's not helpful, as it just shows me
more people asking the same question, but not finding any solution. If there
were plenty of solutions in the Google search results, I'd find the search
suggestion useful.

I guess I'm just trying to say that before posting a search suggestion
blindly, make sure there's useful results in that search.

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