How can I tell if my card is a 9800Pro or a 9800SE?



Hi there,

I have just bought a used HIS EXcalibur 9800Pro All-in-Wonder card
which I will eventually install in a new PC I am building for my

In the meantime I am testing it in an elderly AMD Athlon 800MHz PC
using the HIS Catalyst 4.12 bundle. The card appears to be working ok,
but in the display panel the card is identified as a 9800 SE.

How can I tell for sure that the card is a Pro and not an SE? Ther is
a label on the back of the card that states it is a 9800 Pro but that
could easily have been taken from another card. Are there any physical
differences between the two or is there anything I can do to check?

Any help appreciated.



Harry said:
Hi there,

I have just bought a used HIS EXcalibur 9800Pro All-in-Wonder card
which I will eventually install in a new PC I am building for my

In the meantime I am testing it in an elderly AMD Athlon 800MHz PC
using the HIS Catalyst 4.12 bundle. The card appears to be working ok,
but in the display panel the card is identified as a 9800 SE.

How can I tell for sure that the card is a Pro and not an SE? Ther is
a label on the back of the card that states it is a 9800 Pro but that
could easily have been taken from another card. Are there any physical
differences between the two or is there anything I can do to check?

See my response in your post above...

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