How can I setup WinXP on the system with S-ATA but w/o FDD?


Michael Geneva

The setup process of Windows XP on the system with Serial ATA harddrive
requires user to press F6 and put a driver disk into FDD. How can I
setup Windows XP when I don't have FDD? Please don't tell me to get a
FDD because I have no room for it. Windows XP setup program will not
look anywhere for the driver except from the FDD. Is it possible to
integrate the driver of S-ATA into the WinXP setup CD-ROM?




Is it possible to
integrate the driver of S-ATA into the WinXP setup CD-

the only way i know . . . is over the network using an
answer file. YOu reference the additional drivers in the
answer file and and then store them in a $oem$ sub-
directory under i386.

perhaps borrowing an fdd is easier?

or perhaps a bios upgrade is in order?

don't know if this helps . . .


The problem isn't solved in the manner which you expect

For the moment, unless you have an excellent knowledge of Windows setup or have access to a Distibution version of Windows, you are better off with respect to the time needed to carry out your task, to get a Floppy Drive. Borrow one or get one from an old PC

It doesn't need to be fixed inside the case of your PC: just sit it on top of a book or whatever [non conductive material please] and plug the interface cable into your motherboard and use the power plug

Once you have finished the Windows setup you can unplug the FDD

By the way, when setting up from SATA make sure that the BIOS is set as BASE [non-raid] and make sure you use the non-RAID driver set from the RAID CD

So, don't raise the bridge, lower the river. It gets the same result.


I still find it quite poor practice by MS to still force people to use a
floppy for installing 3rd party drivers during install these days when we've
got USB-devices etc.

Imagine the relief to put drivers on a tiny flash-device and use that. Time
to file a suggestion for next service pack.

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