How can I format my footnotes so that they are double-spaced?



How can I format my footnotes so that they are double-spaced throughout the
entire document? Right now, I have to do it page-by-page, and I figure there
must be an easier way.


Thanks, Jezebel for the reply. However, it does not help me because it does
not tell me how to define footnote text style in the first place. How is
this done? I am using Word 2007, and I can find no way of defining footnote
text style. If I could find that out, then I would be able to single-space
or double-space as the case may be. In fact, what I am trying to do is to
single-space the footnotes in a document that I had converted from Word
Perfect. When it converted, the single-spacing in the footnotes was changed
to double-spacing, and I want to change it back to single spacing.

When I click the reference tab in Word 2007, and then click to get the
footnote and endnote dialog box, there is nothing in that box that enables me
to define the footnote text style (although it allows me to performs some
other tasks, e.g. change footnotes to endnotes).

If you can explain how to define footnote text, I would be grateful.


Do you understand how Word deals with Styles in the first place? (I
don't know anything about WP; maybe there's no equivalent there.)

When your cursor is in a paragraph, and you go to the Styles &
Formatting pane (however that's accessed in 2007), right-click on the
style name and go to Modify > Paragraph and change the line spacing

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Except that you will not find the Footnote Text style in the Styles &
Formatting task pane in Word 2002 or 2003, even if you have selected the
misnamed "All styles." You have to actually access the Style dialog to get
to it; see for

In Word 2007, if you choose "All styles," at least you do actually get *all*

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Do you understand how Word deals with Styles in the first place? (I
don't know anything about WP; maybe there's no equivalent there.)

When your cursor is in a paragraph, and you go to the Styles &
Formatting pane (however that's accessed in 2007), right-click on the
style name and go to Modify > Paragraph and change the line spacing


Thanks, but I am still very confused. On Word 2007, I see no icon or pane
that says "All styles." On the home tab there is a styles menu with a
selection of styles: normal, no spacing, heading 1, etc., but no "All Styles"
and nothing at all about defining footnote text. If anyone can tell me how to
set footnote spacing (for all of the footnotes in my paper) in Word 2007, I
would be grateful.


(You said something like that once before, and then later you said you
meant that you don't find it "out of the box" -- you just have to go
down to the list of options at the bottom of S & F and choose "styles
in use," or under "custom" put a checkmark next to it, and maybe even
other alternatives. But our questioner is in 2007.)

Suzanne S. Barnhill

In Word 2007, click the dialog launcher in the Styles group on the Home tab.
Click on Options... and choose "All styles" as the "styles to show." From
there on, the process is the same: right-click on Footnote Text in the list
and choose Modify... Change the line spacing as desired, select the
appropriate check boxes and radio buttons, and OK out.

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