How can I capture my video and save my movie back to my DV camera?



Can someone please help me? I have been using movie maker 2.0 for over a year
now and all of a sudden I get this error when I try to capture my video
"Class not registered" and also when I try to save my movie file to my
camcorder it does not save it. It will just say movie did save successfully
and tells me to click finish.
Please if anyone is having this problem or know what can I do to fix it. I
am really working on a big project for a church group and as soon as I got
ready to send it back to my camcorder it gave me the error.

Please Help Me anyone.


Can you save it on harddisk as DV AVI ?

If so then use WinDV( utility to send it to your

Otherwise maybe your DV codec got hijacked by some other program or
something... Re register the qdv.dll found in C:\Windows\System32 folder.

Start > Run
type: regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\qd.dll
press enter


Hey thanks for the help. I'm going to try this when I get
home. Are you sure this is why I can't save or capture
video with my DV camcorder?

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