hijacked homepage



Twice in the past month, while browsing, two different unwelcome web-sites have reset my home page, and even if I reset under Internet Tools, the next time I boot up its there again. The first time the site made me hunt but eventually gave me an uninstall program. The latest one has no such option. Where do these programs hide, and how do I get rid of them on my own?



I personally recommend Spybot Search and Destroy for removal of spyware such
as this:


Note that this is a third-party program and not guaranteed by Microsoft. It
is, though, a very good program.

Benjamin Johnstone-Anderson
Microsoft "MVP" - Windows Security
Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply!
Security Manifest: www.msmvps.com/trafton/


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogo

Ensure that Shell = Eplorer.exe with nothing else loading in the shell. Often a program will load with the shell which changes your environment.

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