Hi-Fi System

Apr 23, 2003
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I just got back from australia today and it was great but i am not going to bore you with the details but while i was there i sore a lot of hi-fi systems and i have decided to save my money and replace my old one and i would like some help bucause i do not know which ones are good.

I want to have a MD Player on the system, i don't care if it is big or small. It doesn't have to have a tape player(who need's it) but i do not mind if it is there. I would like a c.d on it, and a tuner.

I have lokked at one already and that is the Sony CMT-CP505MD Micro System you can look at it from the site below:-


It does not show the cost so i would also like web sites for hi-fi systems.

i'm not sure if you can get them from where you are, i would say you can, but BOSE systems are always tops.

Great quality, but the price can be a little high
bose blows...

NHT for the speakers offer great value at a not too ridiculous price...start with that. Speakers are the most importatn component if you ask me.
Sorry for the delay in my response, I apologise.

If you are still in the market I have a link for you to check out, this is the lowest price that I could check on the web (unless I have missed some).

Sony Micro system

If you really like it just go ahead any buy it!

Mini/Micro components more or less sound the same whichever model you consider. They do not have the capability to produce accurate sounds due to limitations. Some are better than others in the sense the build quality is better. Some of the best Micro components that I have come across happen to be from JVC and Philips. Both are always invaliably better sounding at least to my ears. I have in the past bought JVC's on two accounts and the last one I got for my daughter was from Philips, it was basically an all in one thing for her birthday. My son has a Philips Active7583 mini CD player which now is almost two years old and still giving very good sound although he does not use it much.

Let me know if you need further assistance.
Stay away from BOSE! They are the worst deal in HIFI business there is! You end up paying 1000 (in any currency) for chipboard, plastic, vinyl, metal, paper and bunch of wire which actually is worth no more than a 100 (again in any currency). They are a marketing gimmick. The only credit I can possibly give to BOSE is their fantastic marketing methods to lure customers, and surely, majority fall for them (those who cannot distinguish between a trumpet and a saxophone solo).
Aye, tis true about Bose, vastly overrated and overpriced.

I've built, installed and used quite a few front line PA systems for band & disco use. For around a third of the price, I've assembled systems that knock the spots off of Bose PA systems.

They are just not loud. If you crank 'em up, they distort.

Check out a few fairgrounds, I've seen Bose speaker systems being used on some rides, Brighton Pier comes to mind, and they distort all to hell.

As for home sound systems, I'd agree with Quad, mini systems are OK as far as they go, but they're not Hi-Fi. This is not to say they're bad, not at all.

I'd go for whatever sounds best to you and has all the features you need. The styling of some of those systems is very good, have to say.
Did anyone notice that the original post from darkangel is dated August 16, 2003? Here we are trying to guide the person three months late! Sheeesh!

I wish one of us noticed it, the original poster must have bought something eons ago.

A silly mistake indeed!
i am here the one u have all been helping and i thank you all.

I have not actually brought a new hi-fi yet i have been focusing on getting my p.c working but when i do, it will be the next thing i buy.

Thanks for all your help tho i will use it when i buy my new hi-fi
soon ( I hope)

We are always here, if you need help from us, we will be more than happy to assist you. :D

Thanks for the clarification. :bow: