New Hi-fi

Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
One day I was sitting in my room surrounded by all this technology and I thought to myself 'Is there anything I need to make this room better??' and as I looked around I saw in the corner of my eye my very old and half broken hi-fi. Bingo. The one I have at the moment only has 2 functions tuner and CD player and the CD player is broken so I decided to treat myself to a new hi-fi. Of to the internet I went.

After a lot of researching I found this baby...

I rely do like this and I like the fact that I can play my minidisks and I can connect it up to my pc via USB and play my music of there.

Any comments would be welcomed
yes v nice

u got free delivery too!!

obvioulsy use kelkoo to price match be4 u actually buy!
psd99 said:
yes v nice

u got free delivery too!!

obvioulsy use kelkoo to price match be4 u actually buy!

Yeah already done, amazon was the best price i could find espcially with free delievery