Help with search terms, need VLOOKUP equivalent for multiple rows w/ same identifier



You're awesome. Actually, what I'm hoping to bring in is the actua
data in the rows -- less the store identifier, which would be elsewher
in the report. So a function in my report that will see the stor
number, go to the other spreadsheet, scroll down until it finds th
first instance of that store number, copy a set range (20 rows x
columns), and bring it into the report and paste it (or, if it's
function, just make it magically appear)


ok if you want to bring the actual data in you can

1) reference the same store # in 20 consecutive rows with the followin

will bring in the data in column c for the first store whose # is i
cell a1001

will bring in the data in column c for the second store whose # is i
cell a1001

etc ( increment the +1 to the match result)

then move on to next store number and repeat the equations


2) have vba copy the rows of data in. There are many far better (i
experts) with vba than I who could do this easily - I could take a sta
at it thursday maybe. You need to tell them/me where the store #'s ar
- preferrably listed sequentially somewhere - maybe in a name

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