Help with search terms, need VLOOKUP equivalent for multiple rows w/ same identifier



OH MY GRACIOUS, it works perfectly! :) :) :)

I think I am in love with you, duane. (Platonically and from
respectful distance, of course.)

Thank you so so much for your help with this -- people on this boar
are amazing.

I considered myself an intermediate Excel user until I started readin
all these posts / challenges / solutions, and now I realize that th
"high-end" of Excel is so far above my level that it makes my hea
spin. I humbly submit my thanks and admiration to all of you!


(I'll be back...


Hi Emily, no problem - glad to help. I'm sure the macro could b
written much neater, and in a way that execution might speed up i
that's an issue. i welcome any suggested improvements - paricularil
on the copy, paste special pieces.

"For Emily, wherever I may find her"


Simon and Garfunke

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