Help with Chkdsk....PLEASE HELP PEOPLE!!!!!



When I start up or load different things on my comp at the bottom in the tray
it says "The file of directory C://blahblah/blahblah is corrupt and
unreadable, run the Chkdsk utility." So I go to Chkdsk and start it but when
I run it it says "Windows found errors on the disk, but will not fix them
because disk checking was run without the /F (fix) parameter". Can someone
tell me what this means and what I can do to change it? I'm sick of my
computer deleting all my files and saying they're "UNREADABLE". It's very
important so can someone plz help me?

Shenan Stanley

QueenLaurz said:
When I start up or load different things on my comp at the bottom in
the tray it says "The file of directory C://blahblah/blahblah is
corrupt and unreadable, run the Chkdsk utility." So I go to Chkdsk
and start it but when I run it it says "Windows found errors on the
disk, but will not fix them because disk checking was run without the
/F (fix) parameter". Can someone tell me what this means and what I
can do to change it? I'm sick of my computer deleting all my files
and saying they're "UNREADABLE". It's very important so can someone
plz help me?

Backup your files and if under warranty - call and get a new hard drive - if
not, buy a new hard drive.

cquirke (MVP Win9x)

QueenLaurz wrote:

Details, please. Some files are more important than others!

There is no interactive file system or disk checker in XP; it's like
DOS 6 and Scandisk never happened.

So your choices are:
- ChkDsk (which doesn't fix)
- ChkDsk /F (fixes without prompting)
- ChkDsk /R (like /F but does surface check too)

The question is: Why is this happening? One/more of:
1) Bad exits (poor shutdown discipline or system crashes)
2) Bad RAM or other hardware, corrupting file system
3) Bad HD

Sure; that's a given.
Backup your files and if under warranty - call and get a new
hard drive - if not, buy a new hard drive.

That's presuming (3). Assuming standard settings, such that AutoChk
checks and fixes file system in cases of (1), you are left with either
(2) or (3), unless there's bad (buggy, or malicious) sware involved.

But I'd get out of Windows and check hardware first, i.e.
- to test RAM via boot diskette
- check fans and mobo caps
- check HD's history via SMART (e.g. using AIDA32)
- check HD's surface using HD vendors' tests, or ChkDsk /R

Most bad-hardware issues other than HD will crash the system, i.e.
you'd see BSoDs, lockups and perhaps spontaneous resets. Bad HD
usually causes severe mouse-stopping slowness (due to retry loops) as
well as crashes etc. Unlike cause (1), these corrupt the file system
during runtime, whether the system shuts down properly or not.

So there's no AutoChk to fix; they show up as "balloon" warnings.

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