Help! Keep getting duplicate page




When I preview my report I get 11 pages of the same thing. How do I setup
my report so it is one page? I have the page setup in my report is set to
Letter in Landscape mode with margins for Top, Bottom, Left, and Right set to
0.166. The column size is set to 10.2083" width and 6.7083" Height. I don't
understand how to set the report so it has only one page. Any help is


Larry Linson

When I preview my report I get 11 pages of
the same thing. How do I setup my report so
it is one page? I have the page setup in my
report is set to Letter in Landscape mode with
margins for Top, Bottom, Left, and Right set to
0.166. The column size is set to 10.2083" width
and 6.7083" Height. I don't understand how
to set the report so it has only one page.

Try running the Query that is the RecordSource of the Report to make sure
there is only one page worth of data. If more, then it's the Query that's
the problem, not the Report. As we can't see your report, you need to
clarify what you have -- are you saying that you have eleven pages of
identical data? If you were thinking that Access has a "fit to page"
option, like some other software, that is not the case. Post a follow-up
response to this to let us know about the data produced by running the Query
directly, and details of what you have, what you see, and what you expect.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


I get 11 pages of identical data. My report should be 1 page. Here is the
SQL data of my crosstab query:

TRANSFORM Count(Quotes.SolicitationID) AS CountOfSolicitationID
SELECT Quotes.[Won/Lost], Format([Type],"mmm") AS SortType,
Format([SubmitDate],"mmyyyy") AS SortDate, Count(Quotes.SolicitationID) AS
[Total Of SolicitationID], Sum(([Quantity]*[QuotedPrice])) AS TotalValue
FROM Quotes
GROUP BY Quotes.[Won/Lost], Format([Type],"mmm"),
PIVOT Format([SubmitDate],"mmm") In

I'm sure it is the query that is causing the problem, is there anyway to get
the report to show 1 page? Thanks for you help.


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