HELP!!!! I installed Service Pack 3 and now Windows won't start



When Windows is booting up I get a blue screen that tells me an attempt was
made to execute non-executable memory. It tells me to check to see if new
harware or software is properly installed. I can't. I installed Service
Packe 3 and now it won't let me back on. I tried rebooting from my Windows
disk but I get the same message.


before Windows starts to load , start tapping F8 and get the menu up. use the
arrow keys to move up to safe mode and see if it will start , then you8 can
uninstall SP3


The only way I got in is by using the debugging option and disconnecting my
mouse.? The I tried restoring the settings for yesterday before all this
happened. It seemed to work, but then when the system rebooted, I had the
same problem and the message said the restore was incomplete.

I do not have an AMD processor, it's an Intel Core2.

I went in again under safe mode and tried to figure out how to uninstall
Service Pack 3 without restore. I haven't a clue. This could not happen at
a worse time. I have 2 papers due on Monday with all the data locked in my


I figured out the problem is due to my wireless mouse and something that
happened when i installed Service Pack 3. If I have my mouse stick plugged
in, the computer won't start. If I unplug it, it starts. If I plug it in
after start up, I immediately get the blue screen again. I can live without
the mouse for awhile. I know it's not a problem with the USB port, because
my jump drive works in it. Just now I removed the driver for the mouse and
will play with it AFTER I get my papers completed.

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