Help! Custom Animation Nightmare!


James E Middleton

Using two slides and very complex custom animation I have created a short
animation. When the show is looped, it's really fantastic. (People moving
around a room at different speeds, stopping at different locations, some
moving at the same time, same speed, others alone. All whilst not once
bumping into each other, or overlapping.) Now, I realized some of the
objects need to be edited. If I ungroup the objects from their original
configuration, or try to group another object to them, I lose the custom
animation. After spending several days animating this show, redrawing sixty
custom paths, redoing all the triggers, and setting up new timings, is not
an option; from the Custom Animation view, the slide looks like a bowl of
spaghetti, with paths converging, crossing and overlapping.

Once an object has custom animation applied to it, is it possible to edit it
with out losing tha animation?


Gus Porteners

Edit-Cut the group you want to edit, paste it to a new slide, edit on
that slide, and cut and paste it back in the original. You may have to
reorder the event in the time line though.

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