Hello from Thailand!!

May 11, 2005
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Hey guys/girls. Just saying hello from Thailand. Stumbled on this forum because i was looking for a solution to a problem. Read my post. Anyway. I'm Scottish, 31, live in Bangkok. Also an Ozzie resident. Moving back to Oz next year. But for now i'm enjoying myself. I work here also. So i'm not a sex tourist. :thumb:
Hello from England! ;)

There's a really nice community here, hope you decide to stay :)
Aye up me duck.. Hows it hangi'n Jockstar...

I'm trying to Imagine a deep scottish accent with a hint of Ozzie and a Smidgeon of Thai...now that must sound strange....he he...:D :p
Welcome to our part of cyberspace. :)

PC Review may have it origins in the UK but it is now very much an international forum where folks form different nations enjoy each others company.
Welcome, wow your story reminds me of a old prank we used to pull. "Whats the capital to Tailand ? Bankock(As you very quickly smack the person in the genitals -'Bangcock' )
Welcome--- have fun,

Hey guys thanks for the warm welcome. I know i had a computer problem. Sorted now. Will have a better look around the other forums when i get a chance. By the way crazy legs. I'm 100% Scottish. No Ozzie or Thai accent(unless speaking Thai ) By the way 5 sounds like Ha in Thai. So 55555555555555555. Hopefully see ya all around.
A belated Hello from Me ... another True Scot. ;)

¹ÒÁÊ¡ØÅ = Mucks
Welcome Jockstar. Glad to have you onboard here at PC-Review, and i hope you enjoy your stay here. :)
Once again thanks for the warm welcome. Can someone tell me? In the non computer section. Can we post anything?> Within reason obviously.
cool dude said:
hey how do you get that location thing on your ID

Go into your control panel and cliick on Edit profile. Scroll down till you see location. Then fill it in and update profile. Easy!
When you get to 30 it changes to 'Member', and I think when you hit 100 posts you become a 'Senior Member', although I'm not sure on that one... When you've been around for a bit, you can usually get a personalised one! :)
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Sexy Bex said:
When you get to 30 it changes to 'Member', and I think when you hit 100 posts you become a 'Senior Member', although I'm not sure on that one... When you've been around for a bit, you can usually get a personalised one! :)

yes i agree

but come to mention it why u called legs eleven then?

is it cuz u got eleven legs?

or two legs that length of 11!!?

hiya Jockstar welcome to pcr

so no chance of seeing the lochness monster in Thailand then is there? :)