hard drive



i want to format my dirve now i have had a virus and i have a 200gb hard
drive and i used the recovery disk there was already a partition on it so i
used tht but it oly came back with 123gb of storage and it wasnt reserved or
anything like tht so this time i wnt to do it again but delete the partition
tht was already on and make a new one now if i delete it will it delete
recovery files on the recovery disk or will tht allow me jst to create a
bigger partition and how big should i create it.help plz


shaun905 said:
i want to format my dirve now i have had a virus and i have a 200gb
hard drive and i used the recovery disk there was already a partition
on it so i used tht but it oly came back with 123gb of storage and it
wasnt reserved or anything like tht so this time i wnt to do it again
but delete the partition tht was already on and make a new one now if
i delete it will it delete recovery files on the recovery disk or
will tht allow me jst to create a bigger partition and how big should
i create it.help plz

.. , ?

Bruce Chambers

shaun905 said:
i want to format my dirve now i have had a virus and i have a 200gb hard
drive and i used the recovery disk there was already a partition on it so i
used tht but it oly came back with 123gb of storage and it wasnt reserved or
anything like tht so this time i wnt to do it again but delete the partition
tht was already on and make a new one now if i delete it will it delete
recovery files on the recovery disk or will tht allow me jst to create a
bigger partition and how big should i create it.help plz

Is English a second or third language for you? If so, may I
suggest that you try posting your question in a news group dedicated
to your native language? I say this not to insult or offend, but
rather to point out that you're not likely to get much help, if no one
can understand what you're saying.

Otherwise, I'd suggest you start by reposting in standard English,
complete with paragraphs, sentences, capital letters where
appropriate, and punctuation. As it is, your post is quite
undecipherable: most of the the words used are from the English
language, but are almost completely meaningless as currently

Help us help you:


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin


Is English a second or third language for you? If so, may I
suggest that you try posting your question in a news group dedicated
to your native language?

I like this. Would you have any objections to my 'borrowing' your
text? I've wanted to say this so many times myself, just never got it
to come out right. :)

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