Green flag in cell




Sometimes while using Excel 2003 I find that the cell is marked with a
little green flag, on the bottom lefthand corner of the cell, much like the
red flag that indicates a comment. Can anyone explain to me what this is and
what is its purpose?

Many thanks

Sean Timmons

These are typically in the top left, and indicate the cell appears to have a
number in it, but it's being treated as text. There should also be a yellow
diamond with an exclamation point to the left. Clcik on this and select
converr to number to get rid of the flag.


You are referring to the error checking functionality. The green triangle
indicates that the cell meets one of the error situations you are set up to
check for. You can go to Tools>Options>Error Checking and select or unselect
different conditions to check for. You can also turn of error checking on
the same screen.
Hope this helps.

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