green marker in cell ?


Joe Miller

What is the meaning of a green marker displayed in the upper left hand
corner of a cell - similar to a red comment marker in the right hand
corner of a cell?


Quick look in help came up with:

A green triangle in the upper-left corner of a cell indicates an error in
the formula in the cell. If you select the cell, Trace Error appears. Click
the arrow next to the button for a list of options

MOS Master Instructor
South Australia

If this post answered your question please let us know as others may be
interested too

Gord Dibben

Not necessarily an error in a formula, but maybe just an inconsistency that
Excel flags.

i.e. in a column of numerics, you type in '1234 to enter it as text.

Excel will flag this because it is different from the other cells.

If you don't like the green triangles error-checking can be disabled at

Also see the list of items Excel flags.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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