GoTo Record Catehory Labo & Set Focus on Combo86


Dave Elliott

I have a form that I use to add Products to and it uses a Category ID for
Unique ID.
I need it to go to the ID Labo, (this is a control) (Labor) (Category Name)
(this is a control) and then set focus on control (Combo Box) Combo86
The record number is 5
Right now I use this code to set focus on Combo86.
DoCmd.GoToControl "Combo86"

Category ID
Category Name

Sub-form in datasheet view with matching records for category
Product Name


First... are you SURE you want Category to be the Unique
(key) field?

Second... your question is too vague! Do you want this to
happen when the form first opens, or on some other

Without really knowing what you want to do, I suggest you
create a Query that pulls up the one record you want and
then create a button that sets the Forms RecordSource to
it. Another button could be used to reset the Form to
it's original query and then you can flop back and forth
whenever you want.

Dave Elliott

I want the form to open and go to this record.
The category I want it to go to is Labo via the Category ID
The category Name is I wnat it to go to is Labor These are
the same.
Next after doing this I wnat it to set focus on Combo86
The Category ID is the unique identifier
The Category Name is the real name of the Category.
The same as in the example db that comes with access, Northwind.

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