getting message "unable to save free/busy information"



I am getting this message: unable to save free/busy information. My calender
all of a sudden will not save my appointments, although I can see them on my
calender, it won't synch to my Palm becasue it hasn't been "saved?"


You might try shutting down Outlook altogether, then going to Start, Run,
typing in the path to the Outlook executable, and running outlook.exe with
the /cleanfreebusy switch. Then the next time you run Outlook, it should
regenerate the Free/Busy info.

Assuming a default installation path for Outlook 2003, the path you would
type would be as follows: C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\OFFICE11\outlook.exe /cleanfreebusy This path would be Office10
instead of Office11 for Outlook 2002.

Good luck!



Thanks. I actually just restarted my computer and it worked again. But
thanks for your help!

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