Getting data from 100 Excel sheet to One Help please



Hello kind brains.
I create Purchase orders in Excel - All from the same template. Then i
prepare properties so that the file that contains them displays PO number as
file name - then job number - then amount - then payment method.
I now need all that info to be on one sheet so that i can pivot table so the
boss can be happy. So backdatind i can do by hand but i would like future Pos
to automatically input the relevant data into this new sheet.
Is it possible?

And how? - Must be simple - Rookie here.

All help would be greatfully appreciated.

Dave O

Just to make sure I understand: the filenames include all the relevant
information you need to use? If that is in fact the case, one way to
collect information from the existing files is to open a DOS window
and type

dir c:\your directory tree here\*.xls >c:\your directory tree here

This will create a text file that contains all the xls files in that
directory. You can then import that text file into excel, and parse
the data into a useable format.

This method requires that you type everything exactly, know where all
the directories are, and know a few things about DOS. It's not user
friendly- that's why Windows was developed- but it will work.

Moving forward you can set up your template to save important PO
information from each file to an archive file.

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