how do I combine identicle worksheets into one sheet



I use excel forms for my POs, I create a new sheet for each PO. I want to
combine all the sheets into one summary sheet that can be sorted by supplier
and/or P/N. Each sheet is identcle in format.


There is alot of ways to do it, here is one.
In your workbook, insert a worksheet and label it Summary.
Label A1 PO#,B1 P/N,C1 Supplier.
In cell A2, press equal key, select Sheet1 (of your PO's) find the cell that
has the PO# in and select it. The same for B2 only find the cell with the P/N
in it. C2 find the Suppliers name.
My Sheet1 looks like this
A1 PO#Label, B1 PO#,
D1 P/N label, D2 P/N
C1 Supplier label, C2 Supplier.
In my example :
Summary sheet A2 = Sheet1!B$1
B2 = Sheet1!D$1
C2 = Sheet1!E$1
The $ is so Excel does not add 1 to the formula.
You just have to insert sheets for your next PO and copy the formula down on
the summary sheet. Change the formula to the next sheet (ie On the Summary
will list each PO in columnA, P/N in column B, Supplier in columnC.
Hope this helps.

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