Frontpage Newbie - Having trouble publishing.... Help appreciated



Here is how I am trying to publish the website:

Domain Registered on
Hosting from
Hosting has Frontpage Supported extensions to allow publishing from local
computer to remote

Using Frontpage 2003

Here's the pages I have created so far:
- index.html (
- schedule.html (
- sponsors.html (
- fundraising.html (
- construction.html (

The only page is that is SORT OF up is:
However, there are no images or my template images that were used to create
the site.

Here's how my files are stored on my PC and how I access them from

My Documents
--> Mulligans Website Folder
--> Template Folder
Within the Template folder I have 5 pages in HTML docs (the only 5 pages
that I have created so far)
Within the Template folder I have another folder that contains all the
images that are used on the Mulligans pages.

When I try to publish from the local to remote, I can't get this to work

I want to publish from the local (being the folders within My Documents) to
the remote which would be

When transfering the files including the IMAGES folder, I have tried to
transfer the following pages, index.html, schedule.html, sposnors.html,
fundraising.html, construction.html but it never seems to make the jump from
the local -- to the remote side.

Any suggestions anyone could offer would be helpful. I really am looking
for layman's terms here, so any complete computer jargon is not really going
to help.

Let me know if there is another way I can publish this site.. Or any ideas
on the problems I am having?

Thomas A. Rowe

All of the folders and files for you web must all be under a single folder that you open in FP as a
web / site

So under My Document create a folder with the name of Mulligans.

Open Mulligans in FP via File Menu | Open Site and let FP make it a web / site.

Then import the content from:
--> Mulligans Website Folder
--> Template Folder
into the current open Mulligans web / site.

Then start building your pages or fixing your links, etc.
Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

btw...Thomas's post is a fix for your not having created a web/site to begin
with. If you had created a web/site with FP first you would not have to do
what Thomas is describing.

| Here is how I am trying to publish the website:
| Domain Registered on
| Hosting from
| Hosting has Frontpage Supported extensions to allow publishing from local
| computer to remote
| URL:
| Using Frontpage 2003
| Here's the pages I have created so far:
| - index.html (
| - schedule.html (
| - sponsors.html (
| - fundraising.html (
| - construction.html (
| The only page is that is SORT OF up is:
| However, there are no images or my template images that were used to
| the site.
| Here's how my files are stored on my PC and how I access them from
| Frontpage.
| My Documents
| --> Mulligans Website Folder
| --> Template Folder
| Within the Template folder I have 5 pages in HTML docs (the only 5 pages
| that I have created so far)
| Within the Template folder I have another folder that contains all the
| images that are used on the Mulligans pages.
| When I try to publish from the local to remote, I can't get this to work
| correctly.
| I want to publish from the local (being the folders within My Documents)
| the remote which would be
| When transfering the files including the IMAGES folder, I have tried to
| transfer the following pages, index.html, schedule.html, sposnors.html,
| fundraising.html, construction.html but it never seems to make the jump
| the local -- to the remote side.
| Any suggestions anyone could offer would be helpful. I really am looking
| for layman's terms here, so any complete computer jargon is not really
| to help.
| Let me know if there is another way I can publish this site.. Or any
| on the problems I am having?


How are you transferring? Are you using the "publish" button at the top of
the page?


Ah nm... I see he just made pages with no website...

One fix for that is to now MAKE a website, and use file>import to get those
pages into the web.



So, from my description to you -- I sort of have my HTML files separated
from the images folder where all of my images that are used to "build" the
site are listed. Is this what my main problem is? If I understand you
correctly, I need to make a barnd new folder and for this example's sake,
call it MULLIGANS FULL WEBSITE. Then, place all of the HTML docs into that
folder, then place all of the images that are used on the site in that same
folder so we have one nice big folder full of every single file that is used
to "build" the site. Let's say, this could have 100 different mixed together

Then, when I want to publish it, what exactly is my next step? I don't
understand this key suggestion "Open Mulligans in FP via File Menu | Open
Site and let FP make it a web / site."

What does this mean?

When I am in FP, from the File Menu, it says "Open Site", then it allows me
to look at some folders, then the open bar at the bottom, that line says
"site name" --> "Open"

I don't know how to "open a site" when my choices are only folders. Is
there an article or something that explains this better?

And according to the other member, they suggest that if I would have
actually "designed" the site myself, within FP, that this wouldn't really be
a problem, but because I did use a template and my folders are separated this
is one of the reasons I am having a problem. Do you agree?

Thanks again for your time. I truly appreciate everyone's help.


What will the import function do? Any good articles on this? What is this
going to do for me and why do I need to do it? Can I also put all the image
files and all the HTML docs I am using into one entire brand new folder ---
one big mix of all my files coming from the same folder source, and then try
to publish the site?


Thomas A. Rowe

Yes, then you must open the folder in FP and let FP make it a web / site, otherwise the Publish
function will not be available.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.

Thomas A. Rowe

Also when you create folders and file that will contain or be within your web, do so without spaces
and all lowercase, unless hosted on Unix/Linux.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.



When I try to get all my files into one big primary folder, my HTML docs
don't open correctly in FP. They don't show the images. I'm assuming this
all has to do with the template that I downloaded.
I can't do these steps:

All of the folders and files for you web must all be under a single folder that you open in FP as a
web / site

OK - I understand that -- it makes sense.

So under My Document create a folder with the name of Mulligans.

OK -- this is easy, and I did that....
Open Mulligans in FP via File Menu | Open Site and let FP make it a web / site.

If I make a Mulligans folder, then click Open site, and let FP make it a
site -- there is nothing to make it. It's just an empty folder.. I can't
figure out this step..

Then import the content from:
--> Mulligans Website Folder
--> Template Folder
into the current open Mulligans web / site.

This makes sense, but I can't get the above step to work.. What am I opening
a site with - An empty folder? There's nothing to open..

I'm sorry I am so confused..

I thought having a template would be easy -- which the template looks great
with the changes I've made, but it saves the HTML docs in one location and
the images for the template are stored in another subfolder, and copying the
HTML files to the image folder, screws everything up. I can't get how to
combine the two.

Any good reading that I can do? Any good books?

Thomas A. Rowe

After you have create the folder Mulligans and open it in FP, then you must import all your content
into it. You will then have to re-insert any images, correct any paths/links between pages, etc.

You may find it easier to just start over.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Use File | Publish Web/Site

The Publish button may get you into trouble.

| Yes, I am using the publish button at the top of the page.
| "Windsun" wrote:
| > How are you transferring? Are you using the "publish" button at the top
| > the page?
| >
| >
| >

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