Freelancer Sound Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Si
  • Start date Start date


Does anyone know how to fix the sound in this game? I think it's mainly the
speech but sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not. I checked the
Microsoft site and tried removing the Franhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec and
then re-installing it but the problem is still there.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Hi Si,
| Does anyone know how to fix the sound in this game? I think it's mainly the
| speech but sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not. I checked the
| Microsoft site and tried removing the Franhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec and
| then re-installing it but the problem is still there.
| Any help would be much appreciated.
| Cheers.
| Si

Copying the FL Codec to your FL directory helps solve that problem:

1. To download the l3codecp.acm codec click:
or copy the l3codeca.acm codec from your windows system32 folder
to the Freelancer\EXE folder in step 2, and rename it to l3codecp.acm.

2. Save the codec to your Freelancer EXE directory. The path is:
Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE

3. Reboot

If you still have problems visit:
or increase the Codec's Priority to 1 here's how:

a) Go into Control Panel / Sounds / Hardware Tab
b) Select Audio Codec from the list / click the Properties button
c) Click the Properties Tab / double-click Fraunhofer IIS Codec
d) Change priority to 1 / Click "Use this audio Codec"
e) Click Apply / Click OK to close all open windows and finish.

There are more sound tips in the readme.rtf file on your Freelancer CD.
That's all there is to it. Post back and let us know how that worked. :-)

Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S.

Game FAQs:;[LN];gms
Visit my / Gaming Helpsite: or Call / Contact
MS Support at:;en-us;top
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
| > Copying the FL Codec to your FL directory helps solve that problem:
| >
| > 1. To download the l3codecp.acm codec click:
| > or copy the l3codeca.acm codec from your windows system32 folder
| > to the Freelancer\EXE folder in step 2, and rename it to l3codecp.acm.
| >
| > 2. Save the codec to your Freelancer EXE directory. The path is:
| > Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE
| >
| > 3. Reboot
| >
| > If you still have problems visit:
| > or increase the Codec's Priority to 1 here's how:
| >
| > a) Go into Control Panel / Sounds / Hardware Tab
| > b) Select Audio Codec from the list / click the Properties button
| > c) Click the Properties Tab / double-click Fraunhofer IIS Codec
| > d) Change priority to 1 / Click "Use this audio Codec"
| > e) Click Apply / Click OK to close all open windows and finish.
| >
| > There are more sound tips in the readme.rtf file on your Freelancer CD.
| > That's all there is to it. Post back and let us know how that worked. :-)
| >
| > --
| > Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
| > Jimmy S.
| >
| > Game FAQs:;[LN];gms
| > Visit my / Gaming Helpsite: or Call /
| > MS Support at:;en-us;top
| > My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any

Yes worked for me perfectly.
I have Windows98SE
Just that the l3codeca.acm file is not located in System32 but in System
And there is no need to reboot

That's great news Lexxus, and thanks for letting
me know how it worked out for you. :-)


| Yes worked for me perfectly.
| I have Windows98SE
| Just that the l3codeca.acm file is not located in System32 but in System
| And there is no need to reboot
| Lexxus
I spent 3 hours trying all sorts of different things trying to fix the sound issues I ran across while trying to run Freelancer in Windows Vista (32 bit) but the response above about copying the l3codec*.acm file from c:\windows\system32\ to the freelancer\exe\ directory fixed it.