Formulas in Excel Worksheet




I'm not sure if Excel will allow me to do what I want to do, but I wanted to
touch base with a few Excel gurus to make sure before I begin reviewing them

In column I of the ‘Worksheet 1', I want to return the count of how many
skips from the ‘Worksheet 3' occur after the date included in column E on
'Worksheet 3', but I only want this information if the ID from column A on
'Worksheet 3' matches on both Worksheets.

Any suggestions or alternative options that might accomplish this would be
greatly appreciated! Please let me know if you have any questions

Thank you for your help,


I think that you should better explain your problem, but as I could find out
what are you looking for, maybe it could help.

It looks like that you have a two worksheets as a two tables which are in
1-many relation (if this tables are in some relational database management

As I could figure it up, you have on Worksheet1 column ID with unique
values, and Worksheet3 with some data where column ID could have been entered
a few times and also for each row you don't enter the date in the column E if
is the same as above? Am I right?

If Worksheet3 is sorted by column ID (Column A) you can find the number of
corresponding rows on Worksheet3 with this formula typed in I2 and copied


Maybe me/someone can help you more if you represent your data.


Hi, Jovan....thank you for your response....Would you be receptive to me
sending the file to you so that you can see what we want?

it looks like the formula you provided would just provide me with the
location of the data on the other worksheet rather than telling me if data
exists for that agent after the create date on the first worksheet. It looks
like it might work if I was only looking for one skip, but I have to consider
that there might be more than one.

Thank you for your help and let me know if and how I would send you the file.


Hello Jovan:

Would this help at all to determine the appropriate formula?

What we want is:

Count of Skips from Worksheet 3 in Column “Iâ€
If Date in Column “E†on Worksheet 3 is Greater Than the
Date in Column “E†on Worksheet 1 and
If the ID in Column A is the same on Worksheet 1 and Worksheet 3

Answer to be displayed in Worksheet 1 Column “Iâ€, Cell “2â€

Thank you for your help,


Ok. Try this array formula (or if it doesn't work for you send me a copy of
woorkbook to

send.excel <at>


I assumed that you have 7 rows of data, change it in your formula.


Hi Jovan:

I want to send the file to you, but.....don't laugh......I don't know how to
get my Outlook to accept your email address: send.excel <at>

It doesn't recognize the address and it give me a pop-up to enter some info.

Can you tell me what to do to get this file to you?


I won't laugh loud ;) Replace <at> with the @ symbol (read it "at") and don't
type spaces.


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