forming a gap w/pictures



How can I add pictures to my timeline in sections?
For exam: I want to jump to the middle or end of the movie that I am making
& add pictures to match the audio. But WMM seems to only let me drag the
audio that I have added (forming a gap in audio) and not the pictures. It
appears that I can only add pictures to the next empty frame available in
sequence and not later to where I have the audio in advance.I can drag the
picture & lengthen it, but it doesnt 'budge' to a different frame or area
creating a gap, as when I do it with audio.
Is this possible to do?
thanks in advance

John Inzer

Marcy said:
How can I add pictures to my timeline in sections?
For exam: I want to jump to the middle or end of the movie that I am
making & add pictures to match the audio. But WMM seems to only let
me drag the audio that I have added (forming a gap in audio) and not
the pictures. It appears that I can only add pictures to the next
empty frame available in sequence and not later to where I have the
audio in advance.I can drag the picture & lengthen it, but it doesnt
'budge' to a different frame or area creating a gap, as when I do it
with audio. Is this possible to do?
thanks in advance
There's no way to leave gaps in the Video
track of the timeline. And if you
would have a black screen for the duration
of the gap...pretty boring for a video don't
you think?

If a black screen is what you could
create black images in your image editing
software and add them to the timeline in the
places where you want the gaps.

Then again...maybe I don't understand the


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

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Graham Hughes

I'd do what you say John, add a black still picture to create the size of
gap required.


Then again...maybe I don't understand the

Hi John & Graham & all : Im sorry if I wasn't clear on my question. I DO
want to fill in the gaps with picture & audio. Just not yet. I am trying to
do a mini movie for my graduate and since I am scanning pics, gathering
digital pics, etc, I would like to work with what I have now and as I get
more pics, insert them later (since I am doing a chronological type movie).
And since I am on a time limit with graduations nearing, I prefer to get my
work started and not wait to throw it all together in one 'shot'-i figure
this movie will for sure be more than 10 minutes long....
please help if you can, thank you


Unfortunately that doesn't change the answer you still can't leave empty
space between the pictures.
If you want an early start you can still add a blank image to bridge the gap
and replace it with pictures later.

John Inzer

Marcy said:
Hi John & Graham & all : Im sorry if I wasn't clear on my question. I
DO want to fill in the gaps with picture & audio. Just not yet. I am
trying to do a mini movie for my graduate and since I am scanning
pics, gathering digital pics, etc, I would like to work with what I
have now and as I get more pics, insert them later (since I am doing
a chronological type movie). And since I am on a time limit with
graduations nearing, I prefer to get my work started and not wait to
throw it all together in one 'shot'-i figure this movie will for sure
be more than 10 minutes long.... please help if you can, thank you
You could drag any image into the areas where
you plan to insert pictures can add the
same image to the project as many times as you


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk


and for those who forget things like I do, you can add a title clip using
Movie Maker... and type in it a reminder of what will go into it later, like
"... this space is for the video clip of Jessie...". Stretch it to the
duration you want.

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