Formatting Cell problem



Hello guys, I have one frustrating problem. I copied a table from Amsouth
Bank and pasted it into Excel. I then wanted to do some calculations. No
matter how i formatted the cell whether Number or Currency the number always
appeared on the left hand side and would not calculate. Number are supposed
to be aligned right. Any suggestions. This is frustrating!


Frank Kabel

- select an empty cell and copy this cell
- select your imported numbers
- goto 'Edit - Paste Special' and choose 'Add'

Ian Ripsher

Jacob said:
Hello guys, I have one frustrating problem. I copied a table from Amsouth
Bank and pasted it into Excel. I then wanted to do some calculations. No
matter how i formatted the cell whether Number or Currency the number
appeared on the left hand side and would not calculate. Number are
to be aligned right. Any suggestions. This is frustrating!

Select the cell, hit F2 (edit), and type "=" (without quotes) before the
number and "*1" after it. This forces XL to regard it as a number. If it's a
whole block of such cells that are playing up, copy the top-left cell to a
blank area of the worksheet (or to a fresh worksheet) and amend the formula
to something like "=A2*1". Copy this down and to the right as far as
necessary. Then Copy this block and use Paste Special Values to paste it
back to the original range. You can then delete the range/worksheet where
you copied the original range.

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