Following instructions for Recovery Console...



I get stopped after copying and deleting files then exiting the Recovery
Console. The boot into XP stops telling me I have an invalid boot.ini . I
can access my hard drive through Knoppix, so I can make file changes, if

What do I need to do to get a new valid boot.ini on the hard drive to get
it to boot up again?

Where does it go? windows\system\ or windows\system32\ ?


Lionheart IX

I understand that Bootcfg is where I need to go to get things done. Just
can't get there from here...

I followed instructions found by Michael Stevens about doing the repair
I copied, deleted and restored files as told. I was able to enter the
Repair console, password and all. (I know my password) but got stopped at
another point in the process. Repeating the process, I could not log back
into the Repair console with my password. I still can't.
I have another 24 hours to wait for the decryption, but the second letter in
my password verifies that it is what I always use. I don't understand why I
can't get past the password at this stage.

So, I am still at stage one... rebooting over and over.

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