Flash Drive Anti-Virus



Hey, I need a good and quick anti-virus program or PC Check-Up tool that I can put on my flash drive and that's free. I already have one but it doesn't work on too many operating systems. So I need it to work on Windows Xp, Windows 2000, Windows 98, and Windows 95 at least or a couple that together cover all the operating systems I wrote before.

R. McCarty

I have numerous older OS Virtual PCs. For those I use ClamWin AV.
The latest version is 0.95.2
*Don't believe it supports Windows 95 however.

Hey, I need a good and quick anti-virus program or PC Check-Up tool that I
can put on my flash drive and that's free. I already have one but it doesn't
work on too many operating systems. So I need it to work on Windows Xp,
Windows 2000, Windows 98, and Windows 95 at least or a couple that together
cover all the operating systems I wrote before.

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