Firewire nettwork on Win 2000 server


Arne Volleng

Is it possible to set up nettworking over firewire on Windows 2000 ?
My home server (Shuttle Xpc SN41G2) has an onboard 1394 controller, and i
would like to use this to get the ekstra speed firewire can give me compared
to the 100 Mbps nettwork.

Any god tips ?



Is it possible to set up nettworking over firewire on Windows 2000 ?
My home server (Shuttle Xpc SN41G2) has an onboard 1394 controller, and i
would like to use this to get the ekstra speed firewire can give me compared
to the 100 Mbps nettwork.

Any god tips ?


IEEE1394 networking is not supported by win2000. WinME and XP support
IEEE1394 networks.

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